Monday, March 26, 2012

Long Division and Piano Practice...

...are two things making a certain child very weepy today. And it's Monday. So everyone is tired, making it impossible to get "everything" done. What to do on days like this? While part of me wanted to send Pete an email ranting about all the whining and how am I supposed to help 3 people do their phonics all at the same time as well as get the peed on sheets washed, I had to just pause and tell myself, no- that won't do anything but stress him out too. On days like this, if we can get our core done (reading, writing, math, and piano) I am happy. We will do our read aloud time, maybe take a walk now that the sun is coming out, and try not to be crabby with eachother. Then call it a day. And be glad there's only one Monday a week :)


GingerAle said...

I remember long division.....not fun stuff.

Chandra said...

I'm with you on Mondays. They're tough. Good reminder that it's coming up. I think I'll schedule a special snack to cheer us all up that afternoon...

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