Monday, December 14, 2009

A Creative Outlet

I just love knitting. I love choosing yarn and seeing a project materialize off my needles. Since I'm a little distracted around here I tend to choose projects that require little concentration, but to be honest, I am getting sick of knitting scarves! So I found this pattern and I am really excited about making it for myself. Recently I made a felted tote bag and it's really the only thing besides scarves that I've made for me! I've made bags, sweaters, hats, and blankets for other people, but tend to not knit for myself. I'm going to try to post a picture of my bag and of the scarves I've been working on soon. For now, here's the jacket/sweater I'm going to make (mine won't be yellow though).


Daniel's Helpmeet said...

I know how you feel, only I have those feeling for quilts and fabric. I could spend hours in a quilt shop (and have!) I have actually made a few things for myself this year. Normally I don't , but it feels good to made something with your own hands that warms the home.

Have merry Christmas!


shannon, mom, wife, blogger said...

that's adorable and i wear a size large. ;)
have fun making YOURSELF something nice - you deserve it!