Monday, October 25, 2010

Quitting Facebook and Other Life Simplifiers

It's been on my mind for awhile. So I finally did it. I quit Facebook. I finally had to admit to myself that it just isn't worth my time. And that perhaps if I wasn't on FB anymore I would have more time to commit to this blog. Really, joining FB is when I became a lazy and infrequent blogger.

Life is just too short to care if my "friends" are getting groceries today or their child scored a goal or their dog peed on the couch. Seriously, I have enough drama to deal with right here at home and don't need to add the drama of people I knew in high school or college and that I never see or talk to in real life. Basically, Facebook made my world too big and I'm trying to shrink it a bit.

In an effort to simplify, I have also gone back to the repeated meal pattern for suppers at our house. This is also an attempt to do better at grocery budgeting. In fact, I even have planned my lunches with the kids during the week so we don't have to argue about who wants chicken nuggets and who just wants a peanut butter sandwich.

So for lunch it's:
Monday- sandwiches
Tuesday- "oven surprise" (chicken nuggets or corn dogs or fish sticks with tots or fries and a canned veggie)
Wednesday- sandwiches
Thursday- tomato soup
Friday- packed lunch at CC

This is what our supper rotation looks like:
Monday- Mexican (usually tacos, but other things if I feel like planning a little more)
Tuesday- Pasta (usually spaghetti- it's cheap and, at our house, meatless)
Wednesday- Baked Potatoes (with chili and broccoli one week, diced ham and broccoli the next)
Thursday- Breakfast (with hashbrowns made from leftover baked potatoes sometimes)
Friday- something new
Saturday- frozen pizza and salad
Sunday- alternating between homemade soup/bread and good old Campbell's Tomato soup and grilled cheese

I've also been a little overwhelmed with our pace of school work this fall. My goal is to have 100 days in before Christmas. We are well on our way, but I also realized that the kids and I are all going to be burned out soon if I don't make some changes. So, I'm going to give Peter and Kate two weeks to get through a Latin lesson instead of one. I'm going to do spelling 2-3 days a week instead of 4-5. Kate and Maddie and I are taking a break from the fun, but time consuming animal notebooks we've been doing for their science instruction and we're going to focus on truly memorizing our science fact for Classical Conversations and reading more about whatever the topic is. I feel really good about these changes and I'm confident that we will all be a little happier and a little less stressed out!


Anurag said...


I accedently stumbled upon your blog. But now i thank my stars for that :).
It was a good read. I completely agree to your views on facebook.
I am too struggling to find time in life as most part of my day is consumed by face book.
The irony is more time u spent on FB, more the circle grows and in turn we need to inves all the more time

Ginger said...

I quit FB for the same reasons. And I love your meal plan. How simple is that?!

Michelle said...

Good points on FB, definitely something we all need to watch and discern in our own hearts if we're not spending time wisely. Also, great meal plan...I tried something like that and it totally didn't work. One, I didn't stick to it; two, Andrew didn't like the monotony. How do you get Pete on board with it, or does he not care?