Sunday, August 26, 2007

Dying to self

"But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

Romans 5:8

Christ died for me, a wretched sinner, and yet I indulge in self pity all the time! A long and difficult day with the kids happens and I feel like "I'm done." What does that even mean? Giving up? There is no giving up in motherhood. And the "difficulties" I have are nothing compared to the pain of some. Yet we must all press on- no matter the degree of hardship our children may impose upon us, we must constantly die to SELF! Christ is the example for motherhood. His love is the pure, perfect, sacrificial love of a servant; love that never says I can't do it anymore. Why is it that my love often says I cannot get up from this table to refill another drink, I cannot referee another fight, I cannot change another diaper and on and on? Because I am selfish. We are called to serve others and what better opportunity than with my children? May God help us mothers to wake up each morning- or in the middle of the night as need be- and die to self!


brookebrownell said...

I LOVE your blog!!! Love it love it love it. I am so proud to have such an awesome best friend. A fellow saint that knows her sin, but the glory of Christ's sacrifice. A pilgrim walking along the same path! Love you! B

Racine said...

You are the greatest sister ever. I am really excited about your blog!