Monday, February 4, 2008

Thankful for telephone poles

Last night we endured a treacherous ride home from church in yet another snowstorm. It was one of those drives where we had to explain to the kids that daddy is driving in bad weather and needs to concentrate so they have to be COMPLETELY silent. Thankfully they did pretty well. I felt like the world was closing in on our Suburban as we crept along the country roads through the white out. It was the strangest feeling not being able to see very far in front of us and yet driving on. There were many times when the only way we could tell we were actually on the road was by seeing telephone poles next to us! I always like getting snow in the winter. I mean if we're going to have cold weather we might as well have some snow for the kids to play in, right? I could just go without the driving in a white out! I am so thankful to the Lord for His protection! It was another reminder of how frail we are and dependant upon His grace for our every breath. How often we take for granted that we will drive from point A to point B without incident.

1 comment:

Middle-Aged Moi said...

I'm thankful you made it home too. It scares me to death to drive in that kind of weather, and we live out in the country too. A constant reminder of how small we humans are and how great God is.