Monday, February 1, 2010

February Gets Me Down

Winter is not one of my dearest friends. I tolerate it's presence for several months of our midwest life. In fact I almost like it in December when we are preparing for Christmas and the snow is new and pretty and we are cozy inside. Then in January I'm sick of this guest that can't quite get the hint and get out of town. By February I start feeling oppressed by the gloomy skies, cold air, early nights, and the fact that the weather we have to look forward to for the next six weeks (and some) is more cold, more gray, more staying cooped up inside. February also usually brings the stomach flu for our family. Well, we had that last week so maybe we're done with it for this year. I can hope. Basically, if we could just skip February every year all together that would be great. Some people really don't like March, but I say atleast March holds the promise of Spring. And so I can tolerate all the mud of March. But February, I loathe. In spite of the fact that there are a million things I should probably do right now, I am going to have a big mug of tea and do some knitting in front of the window where the sun is (surprisingly) streaming in at this moment.


Daniel's Helpmeet said...

A good way to fight the February dull drums would be to have it be a birthday month! We have 3 birthdays with month, so it is a party all month long!! Jesi is this week, Sara is next week, and Josiah is the following week! We'll be drowning in chocolate cake. :)

Middle-Aged Moi said...

You are my "armpit" pal. :-)

Anita said...

I will agree that shoveling snow is getting old by now.

Racine said...

At least it's the shortest month of the year :-)