Friday, November 11, 2011

Keeping it all together... impossible. If any of you think that just because

I homeschool
I knit
I bake all of our bread
I cook healthy meals nearly every night
I make homemade pizza nearly every week
I wake up early every morning

Then I must have it all together.
You are so wrong.

Here are some things I don't do. That I would like to do, but I can't. Because, really, I am one person. Until I hire a personal assistant (never gonna happen), the following will remain true...

I don't bake cookies
I don't mop my floors very often
I don't make sure my kids socks match
I don't clean bathrooms- the big kids do the boys' and the girls' every week and mine gets gross until Pete or I can no longer stand it
I don't get birthday cards in the mail on time
I don't practice the guitar that I saved up for and was so excited to get last summer
I don't finish everything in my school planner every week. Not even close.
I don't clean up the breakfast mess until it's time to make lunch
I don't scrapbook
Or print pictures very often
I don't make my bed
I don't dust until someone intimidating is coming over
I don't make my kids pick up their rooms every night
I don't sleep enough
I don't do a spelling curriculum with my kids

The list of what I don't do could go on for miles and it often makes me feel so GUILTY. So INADEQUATE. So not what you might think I am.

BUT...I'm going to keep doing what I do and praying for grace that it's enough. More than enough even because God is bigger than what I or anyone else may think I'm failing at.

I'll keep reading the Word to them everyday.
I'll keep giving them lots of hugs and kisses.
I'll keep stopping an "important" grammar lesson when character training needs to happen with bickering littles.
I'll keep working at this even though lately I have felt sleep deprived, over worked, discouraged, and alone.
I'll keep trusting that the God who made my children will shape them into all He wants them to be in spite of all of the failings of their mother.


Jenn B. said...

Thank you for being so completely transparent and honest. This was just what I needed to read today. :) You have been such a blessing to have in my life.
Isn't it nice to know that God can use your struggles to reach others? Almost makes them worth having....almost. :)

Jenn B. said...

Thank you for being so completely transparent and honest. This was just what I needed to read today. :) You have been such a blessing to have in my life.
Isn't it nice to know that God can use your struggles to reach others? Almost makes them worth having....almost. :)