Thursday, January 27, 2011

Not So Short Stack

I have an ever growing pile of books read. Where do I begin? is the question!
I just finished The Heretic's Daughter by Kathleen Kent. It was a fascinating book based on stories from the author's own family about an ancestor who was imprisoned as a witch during the Salem witch trials. Now I am reading The Wolves of Andover by the same author. Fiction sits on my nightstand and takes awhile to get through because I read anywhere from a page to a few chapters right before I go to sleep and usually I don't last very long.

I am saving this book for my flight and can't wait to open it!

Here are the other books that I am eager to dive into-

What are you reading?


Christa Schoolfield said...

Hey Rachel=)
I've read Family Driven Faith and it's a GREAT book. But I also would like to read Large Family if you read it let us know how it is!!!

Daniel's Helpmeet said...

I wouldn't read "one thousand gifts" on the plane. It is deep heart surgery that can only be read and reread in short sections. I am a quick reader and this has taken me a while to just get through the first couple of chapter. Stick to something a bite easier to read like "Family driven Faith" for the plane.

Missy said...

I am so intrigued by the Salem book - my mother-in-law just discovered that my husband is a direct descendent of Susanna Martin, who was one of the women hanged. Hmmmmm.....

Missy said...

PS you need to get hooked up on Amazon Associates so if people click through your blog you get a little scratch. :)